Monday, July 2, 2012

Humming Bird Nectar

Adding a hummingbird feeder to your yard is a great way to help bring more life to your home. With a good feeder and colorful garden you can get bird's attention in no time! It is very important to make your hummingbird nectar properly.

Take four (4) cups of boiling water and add one (1) cup of pure granulated sugar. Stir this mixture until sugar is completely dissolved. Let this mixture cool and then carefully pour into feeder. These birds are very sensitive so adding too much sugar can cause them to have organ damage. Any food coloring or other mixtures should also be avoided to help protect the health of the birds.

One of the most common types of hummingbirds in  Utah is the Costa's hummingbird. Find out the kinds of birds that live and migrate through your area. Planting certain plants or a feeder with specific food can help you see more of what nature has to offer.

Enjoy! -Brooke

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