Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Humane Society Pick of the Week 07/17/13

We are excited to bring back our Humane Society Pick of the Week blog posts! This beautiful girl in the above picture is Tubby. Tubby is a black and brown tabby less than 2 years old. She is looking for her forever home with a loving family willing to give her the essentials. Cats are a great option for those who have a smaller home. Keep in mind that while your cat may love their afternoon nap, they still need enriching play time to keep them in top shape. If you are ready to commit to a new pet give Tubby or one of her other friends at the Humane Society a chance.

We appreciate your support  as we continue to make strides towards helping conservation. By selling our artwork we are making an impact. Visit our online shop to see some of our products or on our etsy shop to view some of our handmade crafts!

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