Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Humane Society Pick Of The Week 7/24/13

Who says old dogs can't learn new tricks? Our pick of the week Sammual would beg to differ! He is a 14 year old red Australian Shepherd and Labrador mix looking to find a home to spend the rest of his life. Just because he is getting up there in age does not mean he is lacking is spirit! If you are looking for a new pet always consider adoption first. Many of these animals were surrendered due to reasons beyond their control. If you are interested in Sammual or one of his Utah Humane Society friends please visit their adoption listings.

Art Eco Utah is committed to helping our environment and community. To find out more about what we do or help us in our mission please visit our website or our online shop. 40% of all our proceeds are donated to help conservation efforts!

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